How to get those stains out of your favourite clothing items!

How to get those stains out of your favourite clothing items!

Have you ever thrifted something so amazing, and then boom.... you see that nasty stain on the neck of the shirt!!! How do you get those stains out? We've tried everything so that you don't have to! 

Let's start with whites! 

If you're washing white cotton you always want to pat dry the product in. Always remember to seperate your whites!!

Let's talk about products that keep your whites, whites!

  • Borax 
  • Distilled White Vinegar 
  • Baking Soda
  • Mrs. Stewarts Bluing Solution 

Let's talk stain removal!

  • Resolve Multi-Power Stain Remover 
  • Oxi Clean Max-Force Stain Remover
  • Dsitilled White Vinegar 
  • Tide Pen   

How to get oils out! 

Always remember to start the stain removal process while the clothing item is dry! If there's any oily residue, dry it off with a paper towel.

Sprinkle some baking soda on the oily area, and leave it on for about 24 hours.

Once a day has passed, brush off the excess, get your trusty dish soap out, we reccomend dawn! Spray the affected area with vinegar and water. Dampen the spot, press on that dawn, and scrub it out! 

Dish soap, and vinegar break down the enzymes, leaving you a brand new sweater, t-shirt, etc. 

Here are some products that can help with oil stains!

  • Dawn Dish Soap 
  • Distilled White Vinegar 
  • Baking Soda
  • Pour N Resotre Oil Stain Remover 

Gone are the days where you have to leave that cute sweater you found, because of stains! 

At campus thrift, we are dedicated to providing our clients with some of the best knowledge, regarding trends, outfit inspo, and even cleaning hacks! 


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